205L Fuchs Plantofluid SE 32-68
Miljøtilpasset hydraulikkvæske for systemer som opererer i et veldig bredt temperaturområde (-30 ° C opp til + 85 ° C) og der en viskositetsklasse VG 32, 46 eller 68 anbefales. Produktet er basert på biologisk nedbrytbar syntetisk ester. Produktet har meget høy teknisk ytelse, god oksidasjonsstabilitet, er ekstremt skjærstabilt og har en eksepsjonell rask luftseparasjon.
PLANTOFLUID SE 32-68 is a biodegradable synthetic ester based hydraulic fluid, delivering very good performance.
PLANTOFLUID SE 32-68 is an environmentally accep-table hydraulic fluid, based on biodegradable synthetic esters. The product is suitable for systems that are working within a very wide temperature range, -30° up to +85°C, and where a fluid in viscosity grade VG 32, 46 or 68 is recommended.With a flash point above 300°C, the fluid is also reco-mmended for hydraulic systems working with high ambient temperatures. PLANTOFLUID SE 32-68 has a very high technical performance, good oxidation stability, is extremely shear stable and has an out-standing fast air release.
- Based on synthetic esters and zinc free additives to achieve best possible environmental properties in combination with high technical performance.
- Fulfills and exceeds the requirements set up for environmentally acceptable hydraulic fluids.
- Easily biodegradable and comprises of a high proportion renewable raw materials.
- Toxicity in relation to aquatic organisms is low.
- Extremely shear stable.
- High oxidation stability, which means that the change intervals can be extended.
- Counteracts sludge formation and offers exceptionally rapid air separation, which along with its filterability contributes to reliable operation.
Handling and storage
Avoid skin contact. In the event of contact with skin, wash with soap and water. Dispose of used oil at a recycling station or equivalent. Safety data sheets are available on www.fuchs.com/no or supplied on request.